Image reverse search yandex
Image reverse search yandex

If it's possible to run the game using fanart (since you're more likely to get appropriate permission to use fanart than canonical content) it's probably better to do that. Secondarily: The plan as a whole - using copyrighted images without first seeking appropriate permissions from their owners, even assuming you provide attribution as soon as the puzzle is solved - puts you at risk of a takedown request or other sort of legal action, particularly if you're running the game in any volume. Unfortunately, I don't have the technical details on how this can be achieved currently, just that I've observed that the images used in Flash/Shockwave stuff has that property. Ideally, find a way to show the image in an encapsulated form the user can't directly interact (copy -> paste) with.

image reverse search yandex

With especially popular images, this might not work, however. JPEGs are particularly bad about this, PNGs not so much. Reverse image searches start by using some data that gets logged intrinsically into the image, which is probably why your obfuscation techniques haven't been working.

image reverse search yandex

Try switching the file format you're saving in.

Image reverse search yandex